Are you interested in coats for pets? Sometimes a sweater or coat may be necessary to help your dog in the winter!
There is no denying that pet clothing and accessories are cute and adorable. However, during the colder months, dogs with certain types of fur might actually benefit from wearing a coat. The reality is, the brutal winter cold can be difficult for many dogs to handle — especially when they go out for their routine walks. Ultimately, some dogs may actually require some coats to keep them warm and comfortable outside in the freezing cold weather. Here are some key things to consider when it comes to investing in coats for pets.
Small Dogs Can Benefit From A Coat
Very small dogs tend to be unable to retain their body heat compared to larger pups. In fact, adding a sweater or coat into the mix can help them stay warm during the winter season. The reality is, many dogs will enjoy spending a ton of time outdoors despite the cold season which is why wrapping your pup in a lovely sweater or coat can really do wonders towards their enjoyment of a lovely walk during the winter season. Ultimately, if you happen to have a dog that has short hair, adding a layer of a sweater or coat can make sure they remain comfortable during their walks.
Pups With Tons Of Fur
Dogs with long hair can also benefit from having sweaters or coats during the winter. In fact, these pups might appear to have it all together when it comes to keeping themselves warm but adding a nice layer of a sweater or coat to protect them from the winter weather can also increase their overall outdoor enjoyment. When any dogs are exposed to cold for long periods, they may suffer. When you invest in coats for pets, you’re not just dressing up your dog but providing them with protection from icy cold temperatures.
Winter Temperatures And Length Of Your Walks
A few key things that’ll dictate whether your pup needs an added layer of protection would include the winter weather outside as well as how long you intend to stay outdoors with your furry friend. In fact, dogs in temperatures that are freezing or below will likely need a layer of protection like a sweater or coat. The reality is, if you only plan on spending five minutes outside with your pup just so they can relieve themselves, then a coat or sweater might not be necessary. That being said, any length of time over 10 minutes in cold temperatures might require a sweater or coat to keep your pup properly protected.
We Would Love the Opportunity to Care for Your Furry Friends!
Alexander Animal Hospital is a full-service animal hospital located in Severna Park, Maryland, serving the Severna Park, Pasadena, and Arnold areas. Our goal is to educate clients on their pets’ needs and understand the importance of individualized veterinary care to strengthen the human-animal bond between owners and their pets.
We understand you have a choice when deciding on the care for your pets. We strive to provide you with unparalleled services, including wellness exams, vaccines, lost pet microchip ID, dental care, surgical services, digital radiography, and in-hospital laboratory services and diagnostics. Other highlights of Alexander Animal Hospital are the separate cat and dog waiting and exam rooms and after-hours on-call emergency services.
Please take a look around our website and then give us a call at 410-777-8678 to set up an appointment. We’re social! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for all the latest updates!